How To Activate Your Magik

Oya's Market provides an array of products that allows you to tap into your own powers. The great part about the products is that even if you do not have the time or knowledge to add anything extra, the work has already been done for you. Each product has been charged with a specific blend of herbs, oils, and crystals to give you the green light on what you are trying to accomplish.

Often times people are unclear on exactly how to use their products from Oya's Market so here are some tips. Keep in mind to follow your Ori and do what your spirit guides you to do. 


  • Oils can be worn on the body, used to dress candles, anoint spiritual items, etc.
  • Baths can be used in your bath water, to clean/charge crystals, mid day refresher to keep the funky vibes at a distance, etc.
  • Incense/Smudges can be used when clearing the energetic air, bring aroma to a room to attract a certain energy, etc.